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4.5 - Resumen

  • Follow-through is the ability to make sure all requests are captured and then managed to completion (or rejection). Customers (the people you serve) and managers (the people who determine your next pay raise) value follow-through because they want to see their requests and projects completed, not dropped.
  • Good follow-through is the key to good raises and promotions.
  • Don’t let requests become stillborn—capture all of them. When a cus- tomer sees you in the hall and requests something, don’t trust your memory. If you can’t write the request down, ask the customer to send the request via email or the request-tracking software. That way the onus is on the customer to make sure you don’t forget his request.
  • Nothing insults, infuriates, or frustrates a customer more than giving a system administrator a request and having it be forgotten.
  • The more tasks you have, the harder it is to track them. Soon you are spending more time tracking the tasks than doing them.
  • To remember requests, record them in a reliable way. The human brain is not as reliable as paper or electronic devices. Record requests the moment you receive them. Write down every request, every time. Reserve your brain for more important tasks.
  • To do list systems fail for many reasons. Scattered notes get lost. A sin- gle list becomes a depressing Ever-Growing To Do List of Doom. These can kill self-esteem.
  • The Cycle System uses a calendar for meetings, dates, and appoint- ments; a life-goal list for long-term plans; a to do list for today (and every day); and a schedule for today that lets you plan your work.
  • Every day begins by investing 10 minutes to plan your day. Examine your calendar to see how much time you have for meetings and appoint- ments. You will use the remainder of your time for your to do list. You determine whether you have enough time to do what’s on your to do list and manage any overflow. You manage the overflow by moving low- priority items to future days or renegotiating with customers.

Cuando comience a utilizar El Ciclo le parecerá incómodo y difícil. Sin embargo conforme pase el tiempo, se sentirá mas confortable. Va a personalizarlo conforme vaya encajando mejor a su estilo de vida. Los psicólogos dicen que toma 21 días para formar un nuevo hábito; 21 días haciendo la misa cosa una y otra vez hará que su cerebro lo trate como un hábito que pueda hacer sin esfuerzo. Sin embargo, la “regla de un día” de Tom es que nunca llegará al día 21 si no se comienza. Así que planee en hacer su nuevo hábito por un día, y hágalo hoy. Los otros 20 serán mucho mas fácil.

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