Montar imágenes ISO en AIX

Starting with AIX 6.1 TL 4, AIX offers a new command to directly mount an ISO file. The loopmount command will mount any ISO image directly into the filesystem without the need to copy it into a raw LV as before. The command requires a new fileset, devices.loopback.rte When the fileset is installed, the loopmount command is able to perform the mount of any ISO file residing in your filesystem:


# loopmount -i POWERHA_Std_Edition_6_1.ISO -o "-o ro -V cdrfs" -m /mnt 

There is a known problem with mounting ISO images on the AIX platform. To workaround the problem, complete the following instructions:

Ver el tamañao de la imagen. Por ejemplo:

[root@SEGORCP1 ~]# ll -h /tmp/AIX-5300-12-02-DVD/
total 4.8G
-rw-r--r--  1 afi02552 staff 3.5G 2012-01-11 14:21 AIX-5300-12-02-DVD1.iso
-rw-r--r--  1 afi02552 staff 1.3G 2012-01-11 13:46 AIX-5300-12-02-DVD2.iso

Identify the nearest multiple of 128 MB that will provide enough space for the image. In the above example, the image is approximately 374 MB, so use 384 MB as an image size.

Make a logical volume of this size. Ensure that there is enough space on the physical volume. For example, hdisk0.

# mklv -y cdlv -s n -L /dev/cdlv rootvg 4G hdisk0

If the command fails, increase the volume size by a multiple of 128. Use thedd command to create a pseudo-device. Ensure that the partition has enough space for the pseudo-device. In the following example command, the pseudo-device is /dev/cdlv.

# dd if=/tmp/AIX-5300-12-02-DVD/AIX-5300-12-02-DVD1.iso of=/dev/cdlv

Note that this command may take a long time and will create two dd processes. Montar el LV como un CD-ROM de AIX. Hay que asegurarse de que el punto destino exista.

mkdir -p /media/cdromiso/

# mount  -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cdlv /media/cdromiso/

Ir al directorio /media/cdromiso/